Wiring DCC and DC Model Railway controllers to the same track

This video from oorail.com shows you how to wire both DCC and DC model railway controllers to the same track. In the video we wire an old Hammant and Morgan (H&M) DC controller and a Bachmann Dynamis DCC controller to the same track on the layout. The video shows you how to wire a double pole / double throw switch so you can switch between the power sources. The video also shows how to install a secondary safety switch and LED indicator. Both switches and the led are mounted into a scratch built panel, and it is shown in operation on the layout. Towards the end of the video there is a short running session with DCC locomotives - Bachmann Deltic D9005 and DC locomotives - Lady Patricia Steam Locomotive in BR Express Blue livery. There is a sneak preview of a new arrival and new scenic updates to the layout at the end of the video.

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